Gain the confidence to easily get all your electronic files and digital media organized by using either my suggested systems or the one we design for you and never lose your files again

Have a 1-2-1 session to learn how to efficiently and effectively organize your electronic files, so that you can save valuable time because you are organized!

Work with Ursula, to either use one of her systems or develope one that suits you and confidently know you'll always be able to find your files at the drop of a hat.

Here's what you get today!

IG OrganiSZer course and system

1-2-1 Digital OrganiSZation Session: This individual 1-2-1 digital organization session from Ursula Hurn helps you, as a business owner save time, reduce stress and increase efficiencies in running your business by teaching you systems that allow you to:

always know where to find your electronic files;

confidently set up new folder structures as your business expands and grows;

know what naming conventions to use to keep files in order; and

save you time, energy, money and stress.

The 1-2-1 Digital OrganiSZation Session includes:

An individual one-on-one session:

Sessions are held using Zoom with screen-sharing.

You can have your VA attend as well:

You are welcome to request that your Virtual Assistant joins the session for more efficiencies in transferring and using your newly created systems.

The sessions are an hour and a half hours:

In an hour and a half we can cover a lot and may be able to solve all your issues but if more time is needed, just book additional sessions as you need them.

Session Replays:

After each session you will be given access to the replays so you can reference them again at a later date.

All of this is YOURS TODAY for ONLY US$140.00!

Get the 1-2-1 Digital OrganiSZation Session with all it includes NOW!

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Satisfaction Guarantee

Make sure to be prepared and come to the session with specific questions and I guarantee that if I cannot answer them in the session, I will get back to you with answers!

What Do Others Have To Say About {{
custom_values.sales_page_your_first_name }}'s Life Changing Education?

Verified Reviewer - Chelsea Matheson, Creative Director Niche Design Co, New Zealand
Verified Reviewer - Melissa Gunnarson, Nutrition Coach, USA
Verified Reviewer - Anna Nolan, Alternative Therapies Instructor, Australia
Verified Reviewer - Sonya Nicol, Coach and Celebrant, NewZealand

Satisfaction Guarantee

This system won't work if you don't follow the principals BUT I will guarantee that you will receive all the required support through Q&A calls, questions on the lessons or email support requests to ensure your success with implementing and using it!

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