Why Sytems Work

Why Systems Work

February 20, 20251 min read

Why Systems Work

Whether we think we do or we don't we all use systems in one form or another.

In their simplest form the things we do routinely and in a certain way—like a nightly routine of face washing, moisturizing, teeth brushing and getting ready for bed or a morning routine of getting dressed, making a coffee and reading the newspaper before heading off to work; may be regarded as routines or rituals by but realistically, they are all simple systems.

Indicators of a System

These five pointers indicate whether a system is being used or not:

  • Consistency of output.

  • Step-by-step processes.

  • Documentation of processes.

  • Maintaining quality standards.

  • Efficiency in completing repetitive tasks.

Resisting the use of systems will lead problems such as missing steps in the process, poor performance, mistakes being made, inconsistency and of course inefficiency, to mention but a few.

If you're not sure you're using systems or think you might have to take a closer look at what's going on with your systems or lack of, please read my article which was published in Brainz Magazine earlier today.

I hope you find this useful and as always if you have any questions, please send me a message!

I am a Digital OrganiSZer passionate about helping small business owners and solopreneurs who are not-so-tech-savvy to keep their digital files organized, easily and efficiently.

Ursula Hurn

I am a Digital OrganiSZer passionate about helping small business owners and solopreneurs who are not-so-tech-savvy to keep their digital files organized, easily and efficiently.

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