Posting from Instagram to Facebook to LinkedIn
Posting from Instagram to Facebook to LinkedIn
In today's world of social media it's advisable to focus on one platform to promote your business because that will take the least time and energy and you can give it your undivided attention.
However, for many that's now how life works! I'm on four platforms, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
Probably the only saving grace about having to post to four platforms is that you can post successfully across three of them i.e. Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn but not Pinterest.
Why not Pinterest?
The reason you can't post what you've created for any of the others directly to Pinterest is that the format is completely different with respect to the size of the images and how the functionality of the platform works.
Create for Instagram
Posting across the other three works very well but only if you create for Instagram using the correct dimensions and then post across to Facebook and LinkedIn. The format for all of them is the same, images and/or videos along with a caption or article etc.
When you post images or videos created for Instagram, they work on the other two platforms, if you create for either Facebook or LinkedIn first and paste across to Instagram it's not as successful.
The reason for that is that for Instagram you create mostly portrait oriented content while for Facebook and LinkedIn it's mostly landscape and so when you paste across to Instagram it doesn't visually look as good.
Watch out for limits on number of characters
The other thing to watch out for is that with Instagram you are limited to 2,200 characters for your caption which includes your hashtags as Instagram doesn't like it if you put the hashtags in the first comment. On Facebook you can use just over 63,000 and on LinkedIn the limit for a post is 3,000, so if you write there and then post unedited to Instagram, you're likely to run into trouble.
Originally also, Facebook and LinkedIn didn't use hashtags so I would remove them from the post but these days they do, so you can leave them in. The only difference here is that with Instagram if you're trying to save space, you needn't separate your hashtags with a space or a comma, whereas with the other two they need to be separated by a space otherwise only the first one is recognised.
Look at an example...
In the video I have shown an example of a post that I created for Instagram and posted across to Facebook and LinkedIn and what it looks like in each feed.
Hope this was useful and as always if you have any questions, please send me a message!
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